Virtual Consults

Need a little clarification or direction with your health issues? This is what our virtual consults are for

Confused about your health?

Is this you: you haven't been feeling well and don't know where to start on the journey back to health. You search the internet, see a couple of posts on social media, or talk to a friend and they tell you what you need to do. You decide to try all those things. Yet nothing seems to work. 

You feel lost, confused, and hopeless. 

I've worked with thousands of patients over the past 20 years, and have heard this story from countless people. This is why I began to offer virtual consultations. Through the 3 step process I can help guide in in the direction you need.

3 Easy Steps

STEP 1: Choose your path

Below you'll see the different options you have. Choose the best one that fits your needs and budget.  

STEP 2: Go through the ASSESSMENT Process

Next we'll take you through an online assessment process. You may also receive an email from me if I need any further information. If you choose to jump on a Zoom call, we'll gather more information there. 

After I get all the pertinent information I'll give you a plan of action

STEP 3: Take action on your PLAN

Now all you do is follow the plan that's laid out for you. 


Email Consult


Review Health issues and any lab work

General Recommendations provided via email


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20 Min ZOOM


20 Min ZOOM call

Recorded call

Guidance given during call

Best for moderate cases

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30 Min ZOOM


Same as 20 Min ZOOM

Call is 30 Min

Post call will receive a customized protocol 

Follow up Zoom call to provide clarification of the customized protocol

Best for more difficult cases

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