How to be healthy for a long time

mitochondria Aug 28, 2019 0 Comments

If YOU want to be healthy for a long time, pay attention to these things.

  1. Inflammation
  2. Oxidative Stress
  3. Mitochondropathy
  4. A Decrease in Autophagy

βœ…Inflammation is the silent killer. When controlled, it helps to maintain your body. When uncontrolled, it degrades your body. Stop the unneeded stressors in your life (excess alcohol, smoking, sugars, addictions). Fuel up with anti-inflammatory nutrients like EFAs, Turmeric, Frankincense oil, etc.

βœ…Stop your body from RUSTING πŸ™…πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ. Oxygen gives life and speeds up degeneration if you tip the scales in favor of oxidative damage. My favorite anti-oxidant therapy is molecular hydrogen.

βœ…Keep the energy factories running at optimum! Things like PQQ and good fats help maintain Mitochondria function

βœ…Autophaghy is basically getting rid of the weaker cells and replacing with stronger/viable cells. If you have too much weak cells lying around, your body can’t handle the rigors of life. My favorite way of increasing autophagy is through caloric restriction/intermittent fasting & HIIT.

These are the basic hallmarks of cellular degeneration.

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