Insights into the Footbath


How the footbath works

The “EB” Cellular Cleanse Therapy is based on bioenergetics technology, creating an energy field similar to the energy produced by the human body. This field stimulates cellular energy and enhances the body’s ability to internally cleanse itself naturally, at an increased rate, restoring and normalizing the body’s correct pH balance and energy levels.

The principal is similar to how a magnet works. Except, in this case, the magnetic force functions to help cancel out and eliminate harmful free radicals and other toxins from the body. The “EB” Cellular Cleanse Therapy uses an aqueous solution (water & sodium chloride) as a conduit for exchanging ions. The energy field created within the body draws negative and positive ions together, helping negate their harmful effect while gently stimulating cellular cleansing.


Bioenergetics is important because the amount of energy within a person at the cellular level and their residual balance of energy has a direct correlation with the body’s ability to problem solve, perform all types of work and to remove waste. In terms of bio-electricity, the cells of a healthy human organism have a negative potential of between 70 and 90 millivolts. Within this range of potential, nutritional absorption and the discharge of toxic waste are efficient.

Stressed or injured cells, on the other hand, can measure as little as 10-20 millivolts, resulting in both poor nutritional absorption and discharge of toxic waste. Such a condition can occur suddenly, as a result of an accident, or develop more slowly as a result of the progressive build-up of positive ions due to the effects of modern diets, stressed lifestyles and the impact of a toxic environment.

The “EB” Cellular Cleanse Therapy uses direct micro-current, generating ions between 300-400 mV providing energy that is sub-threshold, and very similar to low voltage electro-stimulation or cold laser, both of which have been proven to increase and create more cellular ATP (stored energy). This increase in cellular ATP allows the cells to work and purge at a higher rate and to withstand external stressors that can be either physical or chemical.



We've used this in clinical practice for years and have seen dramatic improvements in patient's physiology. 

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